- 12 JuneDetermining Density of Oil and Water Mixture: A Comprehensive Guide
- 26 MayTechlog Software Effortless Data Analysis
- 30 AprilFluid Saturation
- 29 AprilLithology Identification From Well Logs
- 26 AprilPorosity | What is porosity in well logging?
- 23 AprilShale Content | Shale Content and Petrophysical Evaluation
- 22 AprilQuick-Look Interpretation
- 26 FebruaryEolian Environments | Eolian Environment in Petroleum Geology?
- 8 January3-D Structural Interpretation – Earth, Mind, and Machine
- 5 JanuaryThe Beauty of Geology
- 5 JanuaryElements of Petroleum Geology
- 5 JanuaryPetroleum Reservoir Modeling and Simulation: Geology, Geostatistics, and Performance Prediction
- 28 DecemberMeandering Channel Alluvial Systems
- 19 DecemberBraided Stream Environments
- 5 NovemberAlluvial Fan Environments
- 2 NovemberClassification of Nonmarine Sandstones
- 27 OctoberBottomhole Assembly Tools
- 22 OctoberWhat is a Drill Collar?
- 20 OctoberDrill Pipe
- 16 OctoberKelly The Key to Efficient Operations
- 16 OctoberDrill String Design | Drill String Overview
- 15 OctoberDrill String and Bit Considerations in Deviated Wells
- 15 OctoberUnderbalanced Drilling in Directional Wells
- 28 AugustDrilling Hydraulics in Deviated Wells
- 28 AugustHorizontal Drilling | What is a horizontal drilling?
- 14 AugustDirectional Drilling Tools and Techniques
- 5 AugustWellbore Deviation | Deviation in Vertical Wells
- 1 AugustDirectional Drilling Overview
- 30 JulyCement Evaluation | Cement Evaluation Well Logging: Assessing Cement Integrity in Oil and Gas Wells
- 29 JulyPlug Cementing | What is Plug Cementing?
- 29 JulySqueeze Cementing | What is Squeeze Cementing?
- 28 JulyPrimary Cementing | What is primary cementing?
- 27 JulyCementing Equipment
- 25 JulyCement Slurry Flow Properties and Mud Displacement
- 24 JulyCement Testing Procedures
- 23 JulyCement Additives in Drilling
- 19 JulyChemistry and Classification of Oil well Cements
- 19 JulyIntroduction to Well Cementing
- 19 JulyParaffins and Asphaltenes
- 18 JulyWellbore Cleanout and Scale Removal
- 18 JulyDiverting Materials in Acidizing
- 11 JulyFracture Acidizing | What is the fracture acidizing process?
- 8 JulyMatrix Acidizing
- 7 JulyAdditives in Acidizing Fluids
- 5 JulyShale Volume – Larionov Tertiary Rocks
- 5 JulyShale Volume – Larionov Old Rocks
- 5 JulyGamma Ray Index
- 4 JulyIntroduction to Acidizing
- 1 JulyLog Analysis of Low Resistivity and Low Contrast Pays
- 30 JuneLogging Tools For Evaluating Low Resistivity And Low Contrast Pay
- 28 JuneFormation Anisotropy
- 26 JuneCation Exchange Capacity and Irreducible Water Saturation
- 25 JuneClays, Shales and Non-Clay Contributors to Low Resistivity
- 23 JuneHistorical and Geological Perspective of Low Resistivity and Low Contrast Pay
- 22 JuneGamma Ray Logs
- 21 JuneCase Studies Underbalanced Drilling
- 21 JuneUnderbalanced Drilling: General Issues
- 21 JuneSnub Drilling
- 20 JuneFlow Drilling
- 20 JuneGasified Liquids
- 20 JuneStiff Foam Drilling
- 19 JuneFoam Drilling | What is Foam Drilling?
- 8 JuneMist Drilling
- 7 JuneNatural Gas Drilling
- 7 JuneNitrogen Drilling
- 2 JuneProspect Model in Petroleum Geology
- 2 JuneDry Air Drilling
- 1 JuneIntroduction to Underbalanced Drilling
- 17 MayHydraulic Fracturing Fluids The Ultimate Guide
- 15 MayHydraulic Fracturing Fundamentals
- 13 MayApplications of Geomechanics | What is the use of geomechanics?
- 11 MayMechanical Earth Model | What is a mechanical earth model?
- 10 MayEarth Stress | What is Earth stress?
- 9 MayRock Mechanical Properties
- 8 MayRock Deformation
- 8 MayFundamental Concepts of Reservoir Geomechanics
- 7 MayThe Principles of Geosteering | Geosteering Best Practices
- 7 MayCase Study of Geosteering
- 7 MayGeosteering Practices
- 7 MayPreparing the Geosteering Plan
- 7 MayDrilling Measurements and Logging Tools in Geosteering
- 7 MayDirectional Drilling: The Driving Force in Geosteering
- 6 MayFlow Rate Determination in the Wellbore
- 6 MayProduction Logging of Multiphase Flow in Horizontal Wells
- 5 MayReservoir Fluid Flow and Natural Drive Mechanisms
- 4 MayReservoir Engineering | Basic Concepts in Reservoir Engineering
- 3 MaySpecial Core Analysis (SCAL)
- 3 MayCore Reports | What is a core report?
- 3 MayComplementary Core Information
- 3 MayCore Description
- 3 MayFluid Saturation Determination
- 3 MayPermeability Measurement
- 3 MayPorosity Measurement | What is porosity and how is it measured?
- 3 MayCore Sample Preparation
- 2 MayIntroduction to Core Analysis
- 2 MayInterpretation with Seismic Attributes
- 2 MaySeismic Interpretation Methods
- 1 MaySeismic Stratigraphy
- 1 MayStructural Interpretation
- 30 AprilSeismic Interpretation | What is seismic interpretation?
- 30 AprilSeismic Methods
- 30 AprilPetroleum Geophysics Overview
- 29 AprilStratigraphic Basin Analysis Models
- 29 AprilMathematical Basin Analysis Models
- 28 AprilBasin Histories and Properties
- 28 AprilProspect Generation
- 28 AprilSedimentary Basin Models
- 28 AprilMaturation Processes
- 27 AprilSource Rocks: The Origin of Petroleum
- 27 AprilGeodynamic Models
- 27 AprilBasin Formation Processes
- 22 AprilBasin Analysis and Petroleum Analysis