
Underbalanced Drilling: General Issues


1. Spontaneous Potential (SP) Log can be used in air drilling operations.

A .True
B .False ✔

2. Induction logging can be used only in ___________ operations.

A .air drilling
B .liquid drilling
C .gasified liquid drilling
D .A, B and C ✔

3. It is NOT possible to run the acoustic logging tool in air drilling operations.

A .True ✔
B .False

4. Which of the following logging techniques can NOT be used in gasified liquid drilling operations?

A .Gamma ray log
B .NMR log
C .Resistivity log ✔
D .Density log

5. Which of these is NOT necessary if the presence of H2S is anticipated during underbalanced drilling?

A .Special training
B .Presence of a fire truck at the drilling site ✔
C .An emergency contingency plan
D .Portable and fixed air breathing devices

6. At least _______ drillstring floats should be installed on the drillstring assembly in order to control the back flow from drillpipe.

A .1
B .2 ✔
C .4
D .5

7. The underbalanced well classification system is developed by:

A .The Society of Petroleum Engineers
B .The Society of Professional Well Log Analysts
C .The American Petroleum Institute
D .The International Association of Drilling Contractors ✔

8. What is the highest risk level defined according to the classification matrix for underbalanced wells?

A .5 ✔
B .10
C .50
D .100

9. What risk level would you assign to a well which has some hydrocarbon production and maximum shut-in pressures less than UBD equipment pressure rating?

A .1
B .4 ✔
C .5
D .10

10. According to this classification system, how would you code a well, which is not capable of natural flow drilled with low head drilling liquids?

A .0-B-5
B .1-A-5 ✔
C .0-A-4
D .1-A-4

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