
Natural Gas Drilling


1. Use of natural gas instead of dry air reduces the risk of downhole fires in underbalanced drilling.

A. True ✔
B. False

2. The cuttings transport efficiency of natural gas is __________ that of dry air.

A. less than ✔
B. equal to
C. more than

3. Assuming the same cuttings transport efficiency, the bottomhole pressure in natural gas drilling is __ compared to air.

A. lower ✔
B. higher

4. During underbalanced drilling with natural gas, the returning gas is typically:

A. stored in tanks.
B. diverted to a separator and re-circulated.
C. connected to a pipeline.
D. flared. ✔

5. Which of the following documents provides recommended practices for Area classifications of electrical installations at drilling rigs and production facilities on land and offshore platforms?

A .National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70
B .NFPA 496
C .American Petroleum Institute API RP500B ✔

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