
Chemistry and Classification of Oil well Cements


Basic Cement Slurry Formulation

Using the data provided, calculate the quantity of cement slurry and post-flush fluid required to cement the intermediate string of casing in the Assignment Well. Include a 25% cement contingency.

Casing StringHole Diameter 
Dhole (in)
Hole Depth* (feet)Casing Shoe Depth* L (feet)Depth to Float Collar* (feet)Casing OD (in)Casing ID (in)
Conductor [c]3080L4=80N/A2019
Surface [s]17.51510L3=1505146513.37512.615
Intermediate [i]12.254015400839689.6258.835

Summary Table
* All depths measured from Rotary Kelly Busing (RKB)

Cement Slurry and Post-flush Fluid Volumes

The fluid volume required to cement the intermediate string of casing of the Assignment well is 692 ft3 without contingency. Class H cement and water is being used for this job.

Part A:

Calculate the number of cement sacks needed, including a 25% contingency.

Part B:

Calculate the volume of mix water needed.


Part A Solution:

According to API Cement Slurry Specifications the yield for a Class H cement = 1.05\ \tfrac{ft^3}{sack}

The cement needed for the intermediate string plus 25% of contingency = 692\ ft^3 \times \dfrac{1.25}{1.05\, \tfrac{ft^3}{sk}} = 824\ sacks

Part B Solution:

According to API Cement Slurry Specifications the water/cement ratio for a Class H cement = 4.3 \tfrac{gal}{sk}

The amount of mix water needed = 824\ sks \times 4.3 \tfrac{gal}{sk} = 3544\ gallons\ (85\ barrels)


1. API cements are classified according to what oilwell conditions? (Select all that apply.)

A .Mix water
B .Additives
C .Pressure ✔
D .Depth ✔
E .Temperature

Oilwell cements set and develop compressive strength as a result of ________.

A .pressure
B .aeration
C .dehydration
D .hydration ✔

How is a cement slurry mixture categorized if it contains no additives?

A .Common
B .Neat ✔
C .Portland
D .Ordinary

Water in excess of that required for cement to set is necessary for the formation of __________ that can be pumped.

A .a cement slurry ✔
B .aluminosilicates
C .interlocking crystalline structures

What is the recommended ratio of water to cement for mixing oilwell cement?

A .About 5.0 to 6.3 gallons per 94 lbm sack of dry cement, depending on the API Class ✔
B .About 2.8 to 7.3 gallons per 94 lbm sack of cement, depending on the API Class
C .About 4.0 to 5.3 gallons per 94 lbm sack of dry cement, depending on the API Class

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