Assignment Cementing Equipment
Cement Job Design:
In the Assignment well, you are cementing the production string of a 8000 ft horizontal section, with a fairly high friction pressure loss of 350 psi / 1000 ft. You plan to pump the job at 2.5 BPM, and the OIM is concerned that your 300 HP triplex pump cement pump is insufficient to perform the job, and is suggesting a parallel pump.
Determine if the OIM is correct.
, where P is maximum pressure in PSI, and Q is flowrate in
The total friction pressure is 350 ×8000 / 1000 = 2800 psi.
Because the job is pumped at 200-300 psi over the minimum pressure, assume the max pump pressure is 3100 psi.
= 63% capacity, which is reaching the limit of the pumps capability, but still acceptable.
Even at extremely high pressures, a 300 HP cement pumps can perform the job without the need for a parallel pump.
Assessment Cementing Equipment
1. Cementing units employ positive displacement triplex pumps that typically pump about ______barrels per minute of slurry at pressures less than _________psi.
A .20 barrels per minute, 500 psi
B .50 barrels per minute, 50 psi
C .8 barrels per minute, 1000 psi Correct
D .2 barrels per minute, 2000 psi
2. Generally, surface cementing equipment is provided by __________.
A .the oil well operator
B .the cement manufacturer
C .the pressure pumping service company Correct
3. What are some of the key aspects of casing liners? (Select all that apply.)
A .They always extend up to the surface.
B .They are a string of casing that is hung off inside a large string of casing. Correct
C .They run on a string of drill pipe and are cemented through the drill pipe. Correct
4. Which remedial cementing tool is typically run on a drill pipe work string and set via a combination of rotation, and up-and-down motion, of the work string?
A .Bridge plug
B .Squeeze packer Correct
C .Cement retainer
5. Which casing accessories contain a check valve to prevent backflow of fluid into the casing from the annulus as the casing is lowered into the well? (Select all that apply.)
A .Guide shoe
B .Float collar Correct
C .Float shoe Correct
6. How are liquid additives typically blended? (Select all that apply.)
A .With the mix water in a horizontal tank before the job Correct
B .With the mix water several days before the job, at a central location
C .With the mix water on location Correct
D .With the mix water off-site
7. A standard U.S. sack of API Class A-H cement weighs _____________ lbs and contains ___________ cubic feet of dry cement.
A .94 lbs, 1.0 cubic feet Correct
B .100 lbs, 1.25 cubic feet
C .50 lbs, 0.5 cubic feet
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