
Core Description


You are the supervisor for the core analysis program to be conducted on some full diameter core recently acquired by your company. Provide a list of the topics which you would like to see addressed in the core description report.


Ideally, the core description report should include descriptions of all of the following:

  • Rock type
  • Lithological description
  • Color
  • Thickness of units
  • Grain size
  • Sorting
  • Texture
  • Major characteristics
  • Minor characteristics
  • Degree of formation consolidation
  • Sedimentary structures
  • Fossils and microfossils
  • Oil staining and fluorescence
  • Porosity


1. Which of the following can generally be acquired with a core description? (Select all that apply.)

A .Fossils Correct ✔
B .Color Correct ✔
C .Degree of formation consolidation Correct ✔
D .Grain size distribution
E .Permeability

2. What types of porosity can occur in clastic rocks? (Select all that apply.)

A .Intragranular Correct ✔
B .Microporosity Correct ✔
C .Fracture Correct ✔
D .Intergranular Correct ✔
E .Fenestral

3. What types of preserved remains are often good indicators of the depositional environment? (Select all that apply.)

A .Animals Correct ✔
B .Plants Correct ✔
C .Humans
D .Other organisms Correct ✔

4. Variations in what properties often cause changes in a rock’s lithology? (Select all that apply.)

A .Variations in the physical properties Correct ✔
B .Variations in the sediment’s depositional environment Correct ✔
C .Variations in the chemical properties Correct ✔
D .Variations in the rock’s age

5. When the rock’s color is not uniform, how can it be described? (Select all that apply.)

A .Mottled Correct ✔
B .Faded
C .Spotted Correct ✔
D .Banded Correct ✔

6. What color fluorescence do oil productive zones usually exhibit?

A .White
B .Silver
C .Gold Correct ✔
D .Black

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