Horizontal Drilling | What is a horizontal drilling?

Ultra-Short Turn Radius Drilling


A special class of short-radius wells is the ultra-short radius well, which effectively has no bend section. Ultra-short drilling methods employ jetting techniques and coiled tubing to eliminate angle build sections, and are used in soft, unconsolidated formations to drill multiple drainholes from existing vertical wells.

Dickinson et al (1989) describe a system developed by Bechtel Investments, which uses high-pressure water jets (10,000 psi) and high-pressure coiled tubing to drill 2-inch diameter holes around a 1-ft radius turn (Figure 1, Ultra-short turn radius drilling system).

Ultra-short turn radius drilling system, Ultra-short turn radius drilling, Ultra-short turn radius, Ultra-short radius, Horizontal Wells, Horizontal Well, Directional and Horizontal Drilling

This system is capable of drilling 100 to 200 ft horizontally in unconsolidated or weak rock. It includes a specially designed, flexible surveying tool and a special electrochemical perforator. Once the lateral sections are drilled, the flexible pipe can be cut off at the wellbore, perforated and gravel-packed.


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