Assessment Geodynamic models
1. Geodynamic models are used to estimate:
A .subsidence
B .heat flow histories
C .both A and B
2. Stretching models estimate changes in surface elevation and heat flow histories due to lithospheric stretching caused by tectonic rifting.
A .True
B .False
3. The initial isostatic response to lithospheric extension and stretching can cause an immediate ______ in average lithospheric density .
A .decrease
B .increase
4. Which of the following assumptions is made in the original McKenzie stretching model?
A .The ductile and brittle portions of the lithosphere stretch in different proportions.
B .Assumes rheological differentiation within the lithosphere.
C .Ignores rifting dynamics by assuming instantaneous stretching and thinning.
D .It can not estimate surface elevation changes.
5. The parameter with the highest variability in the McKenzie model is:
A .the initial lithospheric thickness
B .the degree of stretching
C .the initial crustal thickness
D .A, B and C
6. The mantle lithosphere is denser than the asthenosphere.
A .True
B .False
7. Because of an increased early heat flow, the dike intrusion model predicts _______ early subsidence than lithospheric stretching.
A .significantly greater
B .significantly less
C .slightly greater
8. The largest variations in heat flow and subsidence occur in the _____ history of a basin.
A .early
B .late
9. In small extensional basins, the shapes of two-dimensional subsidence curves are not similar to subsidence curves of passive margin basins.
A .True
B .False
10. Define “tectonic subsidence” in terms of the McKenzie stretching model.
11. Construct a graph of tectonic subsidence for the McKenzie model using a stretching factor β = 3, a crustal thickness of 30 km, and a rift phase lasting 20 my.
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