PetrophysicsReservoir Engineering

Production Logging of Multiphase Flow in Horizontal Wells


1. Slotted liners can be very difficult to log in the horizontal environment since:

  • The flow may vary because there are no slots at the collars.
  • Independent flows may occur in the annulus outside of the liner.
  • The liner inclination and open borehole inclination may not coincide.
  • The tools can hang up in the slots.

2. In a well that is deviated in excess of ninety degrees, which one of the following is not generally true if three phases are being produced?

  • The heel of the well will have a high water holdup.
  • The toe (TD) of the well will have a high gas holdup.
  • Debris will accumulate at the toe.
  • Debris will accumulate at the heel.

3. Which of the following logging techniques would be best for a production logging job in a producing open hole horizontal completion?

  • Coiled tubing.
  • Tractor.
  • Conventional Wireline.
  • Pump down.

4. The following Fluid Identification Device is not useful in a horizontal well:

  • FloView
  • Nuclear Fluid Density
  • Gradiomanometer

5. The Gas Holdup Tool, GHT, from Halliburton:

  • Will detect an increase in gamma ray counts in the presence of gas.
  • Will detect a decrease in gamma ray counts in the presence of gas.
  • Measures backscattered gamma rays.
  • Works at any deviation angle.

6. The Phase Velocity Log, PVL, from Schlumberger does not:

  • Use the RST on the Flagship tool string.
  • Eject radioactive tracers into the well for fluid flow measurement.
  • Eject either water or oil containing a high capture cross section element.
  • Measure the velocity of each phase.

7. Schlumberger’s FloView Plus does not:

  • Utilize four resistivity probes on each of its sondes.
  • Locate the water –hydrocarbon contact.
  • Discriminate water, oil, and gas.
  • Stagger one sonde 45 degrees relative to the other to assure complete coverage.

8. Oxygen Activation tools

  • Use a chemical Cobalt radioactive source.
  • Are used to measure hydrocarbon flow.
  • Are used to measure water flow.
  • Are frequently used for horizontal well holdup measurements.

9. Which of the following tools is most useful on a production logging string in a conventionally completed and clean horizontal well?

  • Focused Nuclear Fluid Density Tool
  • Capacitance Holdup Meter
  • Full Bore Spinner
  • Diverter Flowmeter


1. Halliburton’s ‘Hydro Tool’ uses _ measurements to distinguish water from hydrocarbons.

A .magnetic field
B .dielectric
C .gamma

2. Multiphase flow rates in horizontal wells can accurately be measured by:

A .the spinner tool
B .the nuclear tag tool
C .the activated oxygen technique
D .the phase velocity log
E .no tool is completely effective by itself

3. Which of these statements about horizontal wells is TRUE?

A .No well is ever completely and uniformly horizontal, except over the course of short intervals.
B .Slight changes in a horizontal well’s inclination angle are generally insignificant from a production logging perspective.
C .The term conventional completion is used to describe slotted liner and pre-packed gravel pack completions.

4. The gradiomanometer uses differential pressure transducers to define:

A .Fluid viscosity
B .Hydrostatic head
C .Fluid density
D .Fluid velocity

5. With respect to log response, temperature logging tools tend to be _ in horizontal wells than they are in vertical wells.

A .more effective
B .less effective
C .equally as effective

6. What is the critical well angle beyond which wireline tools could no longer be pulled to total depth by gravity.

A .15o
B .25o
C .45o
D .60o
E .90o

7. In what type of flow regimes are spinner flowmeters most likely to be effective?

A .Single phase
B .Stratified
C .Both (A) and (B)

8. The special equipment and technique that has been developed to run logging tools through horizontal or highly deviated boreholes is(are):

A .Pump down technique
B .Coiled tubing technique
C .Tractor technique
D .Parallel hole technique
E .A, B and C
F .A, B, C and D

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