
Complementary Core Information

Calcimetry Measurements

It is useful to know the percentages of limestone, dolomite and insolubles present within the core. These data aid in typing rocks, and are often helpful in correlating various information about rock properties.

Calcimetry measurements are sometimes made using a titration technique known as a versenate, or EDTA, analysis (Figure 1).

versenate analysis, Core description, core analysis, core, coring, Core Information
Figure 1: Versenate analysis

Another rapid, practical and low-cost method for determining the ratios of limestone and dolomite and the total amount of acid-soluble material in small samples is to use an automated calcimeter. A one-half gram sample is crushed and placed in a chamber to which acid is added. The reaction of the acid with the rock releases carbon dioxide, which builds up pressure within the chamber. This rise in pressure is related to the rate of reaction and, when monitored, can be used to differentiate between limestones and dolomites, as well as to measure the total solubility of the rock.

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