Alluvial Fan Environments

Associated Facies

Since many fans grade laterally into alluvial plains (Figure 1,

Distribution sediment alluvial fan

Distribution of different rock types in an actual alluvial fan complex of eastern Pennsylvania and Figure 2, Cross sections of alluvial fans showing common associated facies.

Cross sections alluvial fans common associated facies, alluvial fans

Note that interfingering with braided stream alluvium may be subtle, barely detectable), their more distal channel deposits and sheet-flood material are not easily distinguished from those of braided streams. In general, alluvial deposits are characterized by sediments of finer-grain size, better sorting and rounding, and more abundant sedimentary structures. In arid environments, fans may be associated with the local salt deposits of ephemeral playa lakes. As discussed, the proximal end of most fans is directly adjacent to a mountain front, and this conspicuous association is usually considered to be diagnostic.


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